Sunday, August 10, 2014

The personal Side of Bias, Prejudice and Oppression

As I have probably stated several times at this point, I don't have a lot of experiences or incidents related to Bias, Prejudice or oppression. I am sure that is because of  personality and I just don't really let things bother me but this class has made me look at things a little more critically and I don't know if that is a good thing or bad. I think the things that I have noticed lately have been a few experiences while out shopping and I didn't make a scene when these thing happen, I didn't day anything in fact and even tried to rationalise and explain the behavior of others.

While shopping at Jcpenny in the jewelry section I picked out some earrings and waiting at the counter for an elderly white women to finish her purchase at this time some additional members of her family came up and were holding items clearly not from the jewelry section and the cashier had already told me she would be right with me before they arrived but as what I assumed was her mother left her and her teenage daughter stepped up to the counter with their items. The cashier told her, well "asked" her if it was okay to wait on me first, which wasn't okay because why should you have to ask her that and then she hesitated saying...uh I guess and I was very close to saying "Why shouldn't it be okay"  and I know other's who would have said that and a lot more. I believe  the teenager said to the mother "she was here first" as her mom hesitated to say I should be waited on first. I paid for my belonging and walked away, but that made me feel away for several reasons and then I tried to rationalise that maybe they were there first but no they had bra's and other things so they may have been with the other lady but had walked away and were not present when I arrived but they felt privileged to go ahead of me. And the cashier even felt the need to "ask" if it was okay to wait on me first. And I wonder if she had said no what the cashier would have said or what I would have said.
I think because it went the way it did nothing was really learned and I don't want to make excuses or guess what she may have meant about it but the way I took it was she is either rude or thought she should be helped before me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jo,

    It is sad that people of all colors seem to be rude these days and no one seems to have consideration for others anymore. But it was good that you handled the situation the way you did because I have seen an incident where the police were called to an accident and the African American man was in the right, but was also taken to jail because the policemen did not want to hear his side over the Caucasian man. so it upset him. He was rising his voice a little and so was the other man, but all the people standing there and myself saw the injustice this man was shown.
