Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Supports.

  1. 1.
    bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.
    "the dome was supported by a hundred white columns"
    synonyms:hold up, bearcarry, prop up, keep up, brace, shore up, underpin,buttressreinforceunder gird More
  2. 2.
    give assistance to, esp. financially; enable to function or act.
    "the government gives $2.5 billion a year to support the activities of the voluntary sector"

  1. 1.
    a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.
    "the best support for a camera is a tripod"
  2. 2.
    material assistance.
    "he urged that military support be sent to protect humanitarian convoys"

Support to me means the help, guidance given to me by people or things that helps me to complete my goals,or job or dreams or just to move through life.

My family is very supportive of me and my goals. My children are adults but I have raised my grandson since his birth(he just turned 11 this week) and with the support of my mom and step dad i have had so much support with him that I have still been able to continue my education, they took care of him while I pursued my undergraduate degrees and he is there after school every day to complete homework and have dinner. My step dad is like a father to him and even coaches his basketball team at the recreation center. Like all parents we never want to be the grandparents that are raising the grandchildren and I know that I couldn't do it without them, they are retired and they are always there for him and I.

My new glasses. I have really had alot of problems with my eyes and headaches with all the computer time I get from work,school and just cell phone time. World of difference since I have received them. Without them I would continue to have headaches and not be albe to see and my eyesight continuing to deteriate .

 Picture of my mom who is very supportive like I meantinoned above. She helps Dj with his homeowrk daily. Dj is a A student because of her efforts. Without the support of her and my step Dad I would hate to imagine how my life would be different. I don't have to worry about having  to leave work for a sick child and always know that they are going to be there to make things easier for me, I feel bad for others who don't have that support

My Samsung galaxy Note 3.... I'm obsessed with it and it holds everything. I use it for everything and is like my laptop on the go in addition to being my phone. I depend on it to keep up with all my numbers for all the people I know, I message to my child's basketball team members parents, I send group messages to my staff when we were closed for snow days the past two weeks. I can remember my life before cell phones, but I can't imagine it without it now. I have got to work and left it and had to turn around and get it because it's like the life line.

The challenge I chose was a single parent or grandparent with no family support and new to the area so no friendship supports either. I think I take for granted that I have lived near my parents and have their support. But for a single mother or father responsible for children but still having to work and then a child ends up sick who do you turn to, maybe you can't afford to take off work but you have no choice because there is no one there to take care of your child while you go on to work. This would be a hard situation if you didn't have this support. But I would hope you could look to several agencies in your community that would support the parent and lead her or him to the right services to help and maybe to groups that parents in similar situations could connect.

1 comment:

  1. Family is something I think that everyone wants support from, but I know of course everyone cant get it from family because sometimes family is so focused on what a person is doing wrong and forget to give acknowledgement to when things are going good. That Galaxy note 3 is something two of my friends have and they act as if its the best thing that ever received.
