Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week 4 Sharing Web Resources


The specific sections of this website that were revelent to me were the New Sections the showed the current things happening with this association and the events. I also found the section with resources and policy and advocacy.

I found the statements that substantial funding should be available to help programs to move up the quality ladder through environmental improvement and professional development to be the goal of all educational organizations.

I think I received not a better understanding but just again recognized the importance of the investment in Early care quality programs and how in the long run the investment saves money and taxpayers reap the benefits of lower special education classes.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 3 Poverty

I have not made any connections and the website that is listed as the alternative didn't work. But I did chose the country of Africa to research.

 Mandela once said " Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it's an act of justice".

Zimbabwe in Africa has not even established that children have rights. And with them not having rights this denies them the basic rights of healthcare, education and food and water and these rights that we guarantee our children have here in America are denied to them on a daily basis.

1 out of every 2 children live in poverty and since the children's rights are no established they are forced into labor or slavery.

The water supply in this area of the country is not sufficient to provide for the population and the children have to drink water that is polluted which then leads to health complications. With the lack of water in the country and the rationing of the water that is available, hygiene is difficult to maintain also.

Retrieved from

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Week 2: Sharing Web Resources

The name of the organization that I selected was NBCDI: National Black Child Development Institute, org
This organization is committed to improving and advancing the quality of life for black children and their families through education and advocacy. they provide resources for families  of black children in areas of child welfare, literacy and family engagement, early care and education.

An issue that caught my attention was their section on Early Care and Education Initiative that leads with the quote from Barack Obama, 2008 "Life doesn't count for much unless you're willing to do your small part to leave our children-all our children-a better world"
The organization has a commitment to ensuring cultural and racial diversity in the workforce. They are  on top of that need since our population has grown so much more diverse.

I was also lead to another site resource on Diversity and equality in Early childhood system.


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

I decided to go with the option of the world forum podcast, but I could not find any on the site. So I will continue this week to try to make contact with 2 colleagues from other countries. I have chosen the website I found this website while looking on the world forum website. It is the National Black Child Development Institute who's mission is to improve and advance the quality of life for Black children and their families through education and advocacy.”  and has a vision to NBCDI envisions a society that ensures a successful future for all children.