Saturday, November 23, 2013

Week 4 Early Childhood Development Post

Chaos is defined as physical and social settings characterized by crowds, noise,unpredictability or a lack of routines and instability or unplanned changes".
I have a family member who along with her three sons has lived in chaos for years. The parents have multiple jobs, they have experienced multiple moves and crowded living situations, the children have no set routine for dinner, bedtimes, or anything. And the children send to thrive in spite of it all, when they were younger all were honor students, in honor classes in school. This may have been there outlet to the chaos to excel in school, that was something they could control. The children are older now and the lack of structure shows in there lack of routine, what is or isn't acceptable and when visiting households of family members that do have structure and routines they have problems.  I don't think that any resources were offered to this parent at the young age  the mother started having children. Maybe a parenting class for the parents early on would have taught them how to set boundaries and routines for there children during the age when that is important to there development.
Picture of a tsunami flooding a road after the Japan earthquake  The Tsunami  of Japan was a Major disaster and a major stressor for all the families involved. When you look at the devestation that this disaster caused, families are displaced from their homes, children have lost all sense of home and comfort. Schedulles and routines have to be changed and ay have to go into crowded living situation. Relief agencies and foundations have been offering  help since the disaster andnow with the disaster in the philipians their are childe

a photograph of a family walking through an urban area destroyed by earthquake and tsunami

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Child Development and Nutrition/Malnutrition

Week 2
          Proper nutrition is very important to the development of a child and it is not only a problem in underdeveloped  countries. Families who cannot afford or lack the knowledge of proper  nutrition can also be causing problems for their children's overall development and learning skills. In order for children to participate basic needs must be meet in order to lead the way for development to happen. 
          In my program we participate in the USDA food program offering balanced nutrition meals daily and snacks to the children in our care. We offer additional snacks in between meals to younger children since they need to eat a little more often than the older preschool children. This practice noticeably helps the children concentrate more on the daily activities of the day when they are not hungry  I have a Toddler, Maddox who gives me the signal that the teacher has not given that in between snack and if I am walking through or at my desk I stop and let the teacher know, it's time for there snack, that's why he is crying and cranky and after that it always settles him down.
        In the Philippians malnutrition is a big problem due to food shortages and the poverty in this country.  Malnutrition is not limited to just children with the lack of food, half of the deaths of infants are linked to breastfed infants of  mothers with poor nutrition. The long term effects of malnutrition are impaired learning and development and reduced income earning potential as adults (UNICEF)


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Early Childhood Develpment.


Week #1 Assignment

The experience I want to share regarding childbirth is my first child’s birth, I went to one of the regular doctor appointments and was told that I needed to go directly to the hospital. I was only 18 at the time, newly married to my High school sweetheart, who was finishing up training at the military base. I was immediately checked in and I was told because my blood pressure was extremely high and they were admitting me to try to get it down. After several days of laying on one side limited visitors it wasn’t down so they scheduled for me to be induced, during the process my daughter’s heartbeat was irregular so they had to do an emergency C-section. I opted to be put under during birth because I am not too interested in being given a shot in my back. So once I woke up later in recovery I was told of my daughter’s birth, she was only 5lbs but no problems during birth. We were right here in the town that I still live in, I didn’t have the complete nine months of prenatal care because I was young and unsure of the choice I was going to make and being a teen ager I know I didn’t make the healthy choices of meals but everything worked out.

In the U.S most families do have the option on pre-natal care whether they elect to use it or not. In the Republic of Congo, four women die every hour from complications of pregnancy (DiManno, 2010). Childbirth is considered a natural and private event, something that occurs in the home rather than being an event that requires medical attention. In this area of the world I also learned that a lot of births are the products of rape and these infants are killed after childbirth. Even if women in this area went to the hospital, the hospitals are not equipped like those in the U.S., they don’t even have enough gloves, mask or even blood.
In comparing these births they are different because of the health care I was able to have a emergency procedure performed when trouble arrived when on the other hand the mothers in the Congo are not even afforded gloves.
I think that the impact of births on child development are enormous, children are going to be born, with or without prenatal care for the most part. But research has shown that prenatal care gives children a good start, a healthier start. Hopefully health issues are discovered early to maybe provide treatment or to give the parents time to learn the best way to support the child with exceptionalities. A child's Development happens in the typical sequences but things that happen or don’t happen during prenatal and birthing process can have an impact on future development especially if there are difficulties or the child is born too early.

DiManno, R. (2010, July 28). Retrieved from Thestar.comworld: